Monday, August 27, 2012

Wind-Up OTK

After doing some research and asking some friends, I have found out how this new Wind-Up OTK works. You need an open field to do it and need to have both Shark and Magician.

1: Normal Summon Magician
2: Activate Shark, Special Summon
3: Magician effect, Special Summon Magician
4: Shark effect, reduce level to 3
5: 2nd Magician effect, Special Summon Rat
6: Overlay both Magician into Papilloperative
7: Detatch to turn Rat into Attack mode
8: Rat's effect to Special Summon Magician
9: Overlay Shark and Rat into Zenmaity
10: Detatch Shark to Special Summon Rat
11: Magician's Effect Special Summons another Rat
12: Overlay both Magicians into Utopia
13: Rat's Effect Special Summon Shark
14: Change Shark to 3
15: Overlay Shark and Rat into Brilliant
16: Detatch from Brilliant

If done properly, you will have 2400 + 1800 + 2800 + 2100 = 9100 damage, all done with only using a Magician and Shark.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

REDU Deck Analysis: Madolche [Part I]


Welcome to my first deck analysis. The first archetype I'll be discussing is the Madolches. The term "Madolche" is derived from "magic" and "dolce", or the French word for "sweet." The deck's monsters consist of figures of royalty from French culture or a pet/animal, along with some sort of French delicacy (i.e. Puddingcess = Princess + Pudding).

Enough about the names. All Madolche monsters have the effect of returning to your hand when destroyed by your opponent. In OCG rulings, Madolche monsters would still return even if destroyed by Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgment, or the virus cards. But with the TCG release of the Madolches, the phrase "you control" has been placed in the effects, meaning their effects will not activate under these circumstances. This may either be a mistranslation or a TCG-OCG ruling difference. Once this gets cleared up I'll post here.

The Madolche cards of REDU consist of Madolches Puddingcess, Magileine, Butlerusk, Chouxvalier, Mewfeuille, Baaple, Chateau, Lesson, Waltz, and Tea Break. I'll further discuss these cards a little later. Without all of the support, Madolches need to rely on Puddingcess Control to competitively compete with the current meta. This means monsters that will hit the Graveyard do not work with this deck because it interferes with Puddingcess.

Madolche Chateau is the key card of the deck, as it boosts your monsters attack be 500, clears your Madolches from the Graveyard, and returns your Madolches to yout hand instead of the deck. This deck would not live without this card, so getting to this as fast as possible is needed.

The Monsters: 

Madolche Puddingcess

The Puddingcess is the key monster to a REDU Madolche deck. Despite being a Level 5 fairy and only having 1000 ATK and DEF, her effects is what make her shine. When there are no monsters in your graveyard, she gains 800 ATK, so 2300 under Chateau. After damage calculation, when she battles a monster, she can destroy any card on the field, regardless if she lives the battle or not. With these powerful effects, you must "Protect the Princess" at all costs. I'd suggest running 2 for the time being.

Madolche Magileine

Magileine is your Stratos of the deck. She's a level 4 Spellcaster Earth monster with 1400 ATK and 1200 DEF. When she's Normal of Flipped Summoned, you can add any Madolche monster from your Deck to Hand, including herself. Being able to grab Puddingcess, Butlerusk for the Chateau, Mew for summoning Puddingcess, or even another copy of herself is too good to pass up. An easy 3 of in the deck.

Madolche Chouxvalier

Chouxvalier is your big beater of the deck, with 1700 ATK and a level 4 Warrior, he goes to 2200 under Chateau and is also a RotA target. His effect only allows your opponent to attack him. Overall solid card. I'd say run 1-2. 

Madolche Mewfeuille

Mew is rather weak and is level 3, only having 500 ATK. However, his effect is a Marauding Captain,but you can special summon any Madolche to the field from your hand, including Puddingcess. Using Mew is the most effecient way to get Puddingcess to the field. Even 2 Mewfeuille's can overlay into Invoker, which can bring out Chouxvalier, but puts a monster into your graveyard. Overall, Mew is very important to the deck, Run 2-3, although I'd suggest 2.

Madolche Butlerusk

Butlerusk is a Level 4 spellcaster with 1500 ATK. When he's Normal summoned, if you have another Madolche out, you can search for ANY field spell and add it tour hand. This combos well with Magileine if you search for him. However, since he takes up the normal summon, Terraforming outclasses him. I'd still suggest running 1 though.

Madolche Baaple
Baaple is... an interesting card. With 0 ATK and 1900 DEF, he's a good wall. His effect allows him to switch the position of 1 Madolche card you control and 1 monster your opponent controls. It's an okay card, but I would'nt recommend it. Tech 1 if you feel like trying him out.


This ends part 1 of the REDU-Madolche discussion. Stay tuned for part 2 where I will discuss the Madolche Spells, Traps, tech cards, and the usage of an Extra Deck.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

September 2012 Banlist Discussion

Today I'll be discussing my thoughts on the September 2012 banlist. For those of you who don't know the list, it is as follows:

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Future Fusion

Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Hornet
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Chaos Sorcerer
Evigishki Gustkraken
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Ultimate Offering

Tour Guide from the Underworld
Debris Dragon
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Rescue Rabbit
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
Pot of Duality
E - Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Mirror Force

No Longer On List:
Necro Gardna
Emergency Teleport
Destiny Draw
Level Limit - Area B
Swords of Revealing Light
Magic Cylinder

As you can see, this list is quite good compared to past formats. It takes care of some of the overpowered/problematic decks of the format and revives some old decks that lost playability, although not all of them. There is always something on these lists that just made the playerbase go "WTF"? Without further ado, here are my thoughts on this list.


Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier:

As much as I love this card, I understand his ban. Brionac is the reason behind many loops, OTK's and FTK's. However, it was one of the last good level 6 synchros this game has left, which can explain why Emergency Teleport was put to 3.

Future Fusion:

This was long overdue to get the banhammer. Dragons open this first turn and they basically win. Like Brionac, it allows for crazy plays and loops.


Inzektors Dragonfly and Hornet:

I'll talk about these 2 together. These hits still leave Inzektors at a playable level, not a "herp derp" deck that makes your opponent cringe at the sight of. The deck still has the Sword OTK, along with Centipede, Hopper, and Ladybug to utilize.


I bet all of those who voted for Gustav Max on the SJA poll feels pretty stupid right about now. Limiting Dr. Red slows down Hieratic OTK and the ability to drop Gustav Max in many decks. Good hit.

Chaos Sorcerer:

First of the "WTF Konami?" moments. By this logic, Chaos Sorcerer is equally powered as BLS, which is obviously not true. BLS should have gone to 0 before this card was touched.


Ok cool, Spore is back... but to 1? Last I checked, Spore has the "once per duel" clause in the effect. Who would even bother to play more than 1 Spore? It could've easily went to 3 without any problems.

Evigishki Gustkraken:

The Gishki loop never even got to see the light of day in the TCG. However, the hand loop was not going to be ignored by Konami forever. I saw this coming, but I didn't believe it would happen so soon.


This card isn't even ban-worthy to begin with. It has very few uses in the current meta and takes up the Normal Summon, which many decks rely on. IMO this could've came back along ago with TIV.

Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity:

Limiting Zenmaity over banning Hunter still makes the deck a top contender, being able to loop 2 cards generally. I've also been told of some new OTK that this deck has, but not sure how it works. When I figure that out, I'll be sure to post here explaining it.

Ultimate Offering:

This card is ban-worthy. It makes Gadgets and even Madolches auto-pilot and spam Rank 4's all over the place.


Tour Guide from the Underworld:

TGU will still be used with Sangan. Easy access to rank 3's and Sangan searches are too good to pass up. The engine is definitely viable still, just without another target. People may play Bus over the 3rd TGU, but imo it's better to just play the 2 TGU and 1 Sangan.

Debris Dragon:

This along with Spore makes me happy to see Plants have playability again.

Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow:

Blackwings have more power now, but I'm not sure if this was the right move. 2 Honests seem overpowered to me, and I think semi-limiting Whirlwind or Gale would've been smarter. All in all, at least Blackwings and Plants have playability again.

Rescue Rabbit:

This doesn't hurt the deck by much at all. It should've been limited, but probably stayed to 2 to promote sales of the new TCG tins. Dino Rabbit will still be a top contender of this format even with 1 less of Rabbit and TGU.

The Agent of Mystery - Earth:

Agents will have a comeback this format, whether it's pure, TG, or some Psychic hybrid. However, this card should go to 3 and Konami should hit Hyperion instead. Earth was never really that much of a problem card, it's the 2800 beater that you can summon with little cost and acts like a DAD that is the problem.


I'm iffy on this. Sure it doesn't see much play at all, but with D-Draw at 3, some form of DDT or Airblade will come back.

Pot of Duality:

This is my #2 "WTF?" of the list. Duality is a key card to many lower tier decks, as it increases their consistency by a lot. However, stun decks that can also swarm like Heroes gain too much off of it. I would've left this at 3 though.

E - Emergency Call and A Hero Lives:

Here's "WTF?" numbers 3 and 4. I know the Arrive Hero deck is rampant in the OCG, but what does this solve? I really don't know what to say about these.

Hieratic Seal of Convocation:

So it slows down Hieratics that were already slowed down by the loss of 2 REDMD's. Not sure what the point of this was.

Mirror Force:

This, along with TT last format, is Konami's answer to hitting swarm decks. Instead of hitting the problem cards in those decks, they give us more counters to them instead. Not the best idea to do.

No Longer On List:


Ok sure, does nothing to meta.

Necro Gardna:

Lightsworns gain a little more defense. That's about it to say here.

Emergency Teleport and Destiny Draw:

E-Tele at 3 seems ok without Brionac. 3 can even be excessive in modern TeleDAD and can lead to dead draws. D-Draw does help decks like TeleDAD and Diva Zero gain more consistency, but won't come back without another Malicious.

Level Limit - Area B:

Still promoting Xyz's are we Konami?, although it's rarely seen and is only used as a side deck card.

Swords of Revealing Light:

Ok sure.

Magic Cylinder:

Because burn decks need another card to use, right?



The list does take care of problematic decks, but it also doesn't solve everything. Even with most of last format's meta decks gone, there are new ones about to emerge rampant on the new format.


Starting up a blog

Hello. I go by ChaosShadow23 or Shadow on Pojo. As of August 21, 2012, I have decided to start up a blog featuring Yu-Gi-Oh content. Expect to see deck profiles, tech card ideas, new product info, and much more. This is my 2nd time as an author on blogger, so please excuse any errors on posts. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my future content.
